Source code for aiopixel.client

from typing import List

import aiohttp

from .exceptions import (GuildNotFound, InvalidKeyException,
                         NoStatusForPlayer, PixelException, PlayerNotFound,
from .gametypes import GameType
from .models import stats
from .models.boosters import Booster
from .models.friends import Friend
from .models.guilds import Guild, GuildMember, GuildTag, GuildRank
from .models.leaderboards import Leaderboard, LeaderboardMember
from .models.players import (PixelAchievements, Player, PlayerAchievements,
from .models.sessions import PlayerStatus
from .utils import clean_uuid, get_player_uuid


__all__ = ["PixelClient"]

[docs]class PixelClient: """ Asynchronus client for accessing Hypixel's API """ def __init__(self, api_key: str): self._api_key = api_key self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self._achievements = PixelAchievements() async def _request(self, route: str, method: str, params: dict=None): async with self._session.request(method, BASE_API_URL.format(route), params=params) as r: if not r.status == 200: raise PixelException( "An error occurred while making the request.\n" "Status code: {0.status}.\n" "Reason: {0.reason}".format(r) ) data = await r.json() if not data["success"]: if data["cause"] == "Invalid API key!": raise InvalidKeyException(data["cause"]) else: raise PixelException("Error: {}".format(data["cause"])) else: return data
[docs] async def boosters(self) -> List[Booster]: """ Get a list of all boosters Returns ------- `list` of `Booster` A list of all boosters in the queue Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json """ data = await self._request( "/boosters", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key} ) raw_boosters = data["boosters"] boosters = [] for r_b in raw_boosters: boosters.append(Booster( r_b["_id"], r_b["purchaserUuid"], r_b["amount"], r_b["originalLength"], r_b["length"], r_b["gameType"], r_b["dateActivated"], stacked=r_b.get("stacked", None) )) return boosters
[docs] async def find_guild_by_name(self, name: str) -> str: """ Get the guild id for a guild with the specified name Parameters ---------- name: str The guild name Returns ------- str The guild id Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json GuildNotFound If no guild is found """ data = await self._request( "/findGuild", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "byName": name} ) if data["guild"] is None: raise GuildNotFound() return data["guild"]
[docs] async def find_guild_by_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> str: """ Get the guild id for the specified player's guild Parameters ---------- uuid: str The player's uuid Returns ------- str The guild id Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json PlayerNotInGuild If no guild is found """ data = await self._request( "/findGuild", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "byUuid": clean_uuid(uuid)} ) if data["guild"] is None: raise PlayerNotInGuild() return data["guild"]
[docs] async def friends(self, uuid: str) -> List[Friend]: """ Get friends of a player Parameters ---------- uuid: str The uuid of the player to get friends of Returns ------- `list` of `Friend` A list of objects representing the player's friendships Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or if an error is returned in the response json """ data = await self._request( "/friends", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "uuid": clean_uuid(uuid)} ) friends_list = [] for raw_friend in data["records"]: friends_list.append( Friend( raw_friend["_id"], raw_friend["uuidSender"], raw_friend["uuidReceiver"], raw_friend["started"] ) ) return friends_list
[docs] async def guild(self, guild_id: str) -> Guild: """ Get a guild Parameters ---------- guild_id: str The id of the guild to look up Returns ------- Guild The requested guild Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json GuildNotFound If no guild is found """ data = await self._request( "/guild", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "id": guild_id} ) if data["guild"] is None: raise GuildNotFound() guild = data["guild"] members = [] for m in guild["members"]: members.append(GuildMember(m)) tag = GuildTag(guild.get("tag", None), guild.get("tagColor", None)) guild_joinable = guild.get("joinable", False) vip_count = guild.get("vipCount", 0) mvp_count = guild.get("mvpCount", 0) discord = guild.get("discord", None) description = guild.get("description", None) ranks = guild.get("ranks", None) if ranks: ranks = [GuildRank(r) for r in ranks] preferred_games = guild.get("preferredGames", None) if preferred_games: preferred_games = [getattr(GameType, game) for game in preferred_games] # banner = GuildBanner( # guild["banner"]["Base"], guild["banner"]["Patterns"] # ) return Guild( guild["_id"], guild["created"], guild["exp"], discord, guild_joinable, description, members, guild["name"], tag, vip_count, mvp_count, ranks, preferred_games, guild.get("chatThrottle", 0), guild.get("publiclyListed", False), guild.get("chatMute", 0) )
[docs] async def leaderboards(self) -> List[Leaderboard]: """ Get all leaderboards Returns ------- `list` of `Leaderboard` A list of all leaderboards Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json """ data = await self._request( "/leaderboards", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key} ) raw_leaderboards = data["leaderboards"] leaderboard_list = [] for game, lbs in raw_leaderboards.items(): game_type = getattr(GameType, game) for lb in lbs: leaders = [] for l in lb["leaders"]: leaders.append(LeaderboardMember(l)) leaderboard_list.append( Leaderboard( lb["path"], lb["prefix"], lb["count"], leaders, lb["title"], game_type ) ) return leaderboard_list
[docs] async def player_from_name(self, name: str) -> Player: """ Gets the player represented by the specified name Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the player Returns ------- Player The specified player Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json PlayerNotFound If the player doesn't exist or has never logged into the server """ uuid = await get_player_uuid(name, self._session) if uuid is None: raise PlayerNotFound() return await self.player_from_uuid(uuid)
[docs] async def player_from_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> Player: """ Gets the player represented by the specified uuid Parameters ---------- uuid: str The uuid of the player Returns ------- Player The specified player Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json PlayerNotFound If the player doesn't exist or has never logged into the server """ data = await self._request( "/player", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "uuid": uuid} ) if not bool(data["player"]): raise PlayerNotFound() player_data = data["player"] player_rank = PlayerRank.from_player_data(player_data) player_achievements = PlayerAchievements(player_data, self._achievements) most_recent_game_type = getattr(GameType, player_data["mostRecentGameType"]) player_stats = [] for k, v in player_data["stats"].items(): player_stats.append(getattr(stats, k + "Stats")(v)) if "housingMeta" in player_data: player_stats.append(stats.HousingStats(player_data["housingMeta"])) return Player( player_data["_id"], player_data["displayname"], player_data["firstLogin"], player_data["lastLogin"], player_data["karma"], player_data["networkExp"], player_rank, player_data["lastLogout"], player_achievements, player_stats, most_recent_game_type )
[docs] async def status(self, uuid: str) -> PlayerStatus: """ Get a player's current status Parameters ---------- uuid: str The player to get the status of Returns ------- PlayerStatus The player's current status Raises ------ InvalidKeyException If the client's API key is not valid PixelException If an error occurs while making the request or is present in the response json NoStatusForPlayer If the specified player is offline or has this endpoint disabled via in-game settings """ data = await self._request( "/status", "GET", params={"key": self._api_key, "uuid": uuid} ) if "session" in data and not data["session"]["online"]: raise NoStatusForPlayer() else: return PlayerStatus(data["session"])